E Storage Backup Secure Backup Data Solutions

Install Guide - OBM - Solaris

System Requirement

OBM - Online Backup Manager (obm-nix.tar.gz)

Get Started - X Window Mode

  1. Download the setup file (obm-nix.tar.gz) above and run it
  2. Set the OBM_HOME enviroment variable (directory to where Online Backup Manager is to be installed)

    export OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm
  3. Set the JAVA_HOME enviroment variable (directory where J2SE Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) 1.4.x has been installed)

    JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.x; export JAVA_HOME
  4. Unpack the install file to OBM_HOME

    mkdir $OBM_HOME
    cd $OBM_HOME
    gunzip -c obm-nix.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  5. Set the DISPLAY enviroment variables


    For example

    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
  6. Run Online Backup Manager

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/BackupManager.sh &
  7. (Optional) Enter the backup server host name in the [Address] field and press the [Next] button.
  8. If you don't have a backup account, select [Trial Registration] and press the [Next] button
    1. Enter the [Login Name] and [Password] of your choice
    2. Enter your [Email address] in the text field provided
    3. Press the [Submit] button
    4. You should be logged to the backup server already (if the [Login Name] of your choice is already taken by another user, try a different login name)
  9. If you have a backup account already, select [User Logon] and logon to the server with your existing username and password.
  10. If this is the first time you logon to the server, you will be guided to setup a backup set
    1. Enter a backup set name of your choice in the [Name] field
    2. Select the files that you want to backup
    3. Setup the backup schedule by pressing the [Properties] button (please note that you can add multiple backup schedules to a backup set)
    4. Setup the encryption setting for your backup set (if you don't know much about encryption, just accept the default values here)
    5. Press the [Finish] button
  11. To run a backup immediately, select your backup set from the left panel and press the [Start Backup] button above. Select [Off-site Backup Server] and press the [OK] button.
  12. Select the backup set to run and press the [Start Backup] button
  13. If you want scheduled backup to run automatically, you must start the backup scheduler by

    nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null

    All backup sets will now be run at their scheduled times automatically.
  14. (Optional) Start backup scheduler on machine startup
    1. Copy the startup file, S990bs, to machine startup script location /etc/rc3.d

      cp $OBM_HOME/bin/S990bs /etc/rc3.d
    2. If you have not installed Online Backup Manager to /usr/local/obm, you need to open the startup file S99Obsand change the OBM_HOME environment variable setting, which can be found at the beginning of the file, to the directory where you have installed the software.

  15. Setup Completed

Get Started - Command Line Mode

  1. Download the setup file (obm-nix.tar.gz) above
  2. Set the OBM_HOME enviroment variable (directory to where Online Backup Manager is to be installed)

    export OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm
  3. Set the JAVA_HOME enviroment variable (directory where J2SE Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) 1.4.x has been installed)

    JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.x; export JAVA_HOME
  4. Unpack the install file to OBM_HOME

    mkdir $OBM_HOME
    cd $OBM_HOME
    gunzip -c obm-nix.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  5. Adding, updating and removing a backup set
    1. If you want to update a backup set, make changes to a backup set and press the [Update] button
    2. If you want to add a new backup set, click the [Add] link
    3. If you want to remove a backup set, Select the backup set to be remove and click the [Remove] link
  6. Using Backup Configurator

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Configurator.sh
  7. Enter your Login Name, Password, Backup Server URL and proxy setting as shown below

    Login Name: userxxx
    Password: *************
    Backup Server URL: xxx.yyy.com
    Which Protocol> (1) Http (2) Https : 1
    Use Proxy? (Y)es or (N)o : Y
    Proxy Type: (1) Http/Https Proxy (2) SOCKS : 1
    Enter proxy server: aaa.bbb.com
    Enter proxy port: xxx
    Enter proxy username (optional): administrator
    Enter proxy password (optional): *************
  8. If you have created a new backup set using the web interface, you set the encrypting key, the encrypting algorithm and the encrypting mode of this backup set by following instructions below.

    Important: You cannot change these parameters once they are set

    Found new backup set 'xxx'
    Please enter the following values for this backup set:

    Encrypting Algorithm?
    (1) Twofish (2) AES (3) Triple DES (4) No Encryption : 1
    Encrypting Key: **************
    Re-Enter Encrypting Key: **************
    Encrypting Mode? (1) ECB (2) CBC : 1
    Run scheduled backup on this computer? (Y)es or (N)o : Y
  9. If you want to make any changes to the setting above, you can use the main menu below to do so.

    Main Menu:
    (1) List Backup Setting
    (2) Change Password
    (3) Change Network Setting
    (4) Change run scheduled backup setting
    (5) Quit

    Your Choice:
  10. You can then run a backup by executing the command below.

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/RunBackupSet.sh [BACKUP_SET]

    where [BACKUP_SET] is the name of backup set to be run
  11. If you want scheduled backup to run automatically, you must start the backup scheduler by

    nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null

    All backup sets will now be run at their scheduled times automatically.
  12. (Optional) Start backup scheduler on machine startup
    1. Copy the startup file, S990bs, to machine startup script location /etc/rc3.d

      cp $OBM_HOME/bin/S990bs /etc/rc3.d
    2. If you have not installed Online Backup Manager to /usr/local/obm, you need to open the startup file S99Obs and change the OBM_HOME environment variable setting, which can be found at the beginning of the file, to the directory where you have installed the software.

  13. Setup completed