E Storage Backup Secure Backup Data Solutions

Install Guide - OBM - Linux

System Requirement


Online Backup Manager - obm-nix.tar.gz

Get Started - X Windows Mode
  1. Download the setup file (obm-nix.tar.gz) above and run it
  2. Set the OBM_HOME enviroment variable (directory to where Online Backup Manager is to be installed)

    export OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm
  3. Unpack the install file to OBM_HOME

    mkdir $OBM_HOME
    tar -x -C $OBM_HOME -zvf obm-nix.tar.gz
  4. Set the DISPLAY enviroment variables


    For example

    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
    or export DISPLAY=
  5. Run Online Backup Manager

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/BackupManager.sh &
  6. (optional) Enter the backup server host name in the [Address] field and press the [Next] button.
  7. If you don't have a backup account, select [Trial Registration] and press the [Next] button.
    1. Enter the [Login Name] and [Password] of your choice
    2. Enter your [Email address] in the text field provided
    3. Press the [Submit] button
    4. You should be logged to the backup server already (if the [Login Name] of your choice is already taken by another user, try a different login name)
  8. If you have a backup account already, select [User Logon] and logon to the server with your existing username and password.
  9. If this is the first time you logon to the server, you will be guided to setup a backup set
    1. Enter a backup set name of your choice in the [Name] field
    2. Select the files that you want to backup
    3. Setup the backup schedule by pressing the [Properties] button (please note that you can add multiple backup schedules to a backup set)
    4. Setup the encryption setting for your backup set (if you don't know much about encryption, just accept the default values here)
    5. Press the [Finish] button
  10. To run a backup immediately, select your backup set from the left panel and press the [Start Backup] button above. Select [Off-site Backup Server] and press the [OK] button.
  11. Select the backup set to run and press the [Start Backup] button
  12. If you want scheduled backup to run automatically, you must start the backup scheduler by

    nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null

    All backup sets will now be run at their scheduled times automatically.
  13. (Optional) Start backup scheduler on machine startup
    1. Add the OBM_HOME enviroment variable to root profile by adding the following line to /root/.bash_profile

      OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm; export OBM_HOME
    2. Add backup scheduler to the script by adding the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

      su -c 'nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null'

  14. Setup completed.

Get Started - Command Line Mode

  1. Download the setup file (obm-nix.tar.gz) above and run it
  2. Set the OBM_HOME enviroment variable (directory to where Online Backup Manager is to be installed)

    OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm; export OBM_HOME
  3. Unpack the install file to OBM_HOME

    mkdir $OBM_HOME
    tar -x -C $OBM_HOME -zvf obm-nix.tar.gz
  4. Adding, updating and removing a backup set
    1. If you want to update a backup set, make changes to a backup set and press the [Update] button
    2. If you want to add a new backup set, click the [Add] link
    3. If you want to remove a backup set, Select the backup set to be remove and click the [Remove] button
  5. Using Backup Configurator

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Configurator.sh
  6. Enter your Login Name, Password, Backup Server URL and proxy setting as shown below

    Login Name: uxerXXX
    Password: *******************
    Backup Server URL: xxx.yyy.com
    Which Protocol? (1) http (2) https : 1
    Use Proxy? (Y)es or (N)o : Y
    Proxy Type? (1) http/https Proxy (2) SOCKS : 1
    Enter proxy server: aaa.bbb.com
    Enter proxy port: xxx
    Enter proxy username (optional): administrator
    Enter proxy password (optional): ****************
  7. If you have created a new backup set using the web interface, you set the encrypting key, the encrypting algorithm and the encrypting mode of this backup set by following instructions below.

    Important: You cannot change these parameters once they are set

    Found new backup set 'xxx'
    Please enter the following values for this backup set:

    Encrypting Algorithm?
    (1) Twofish (2) AES (3) Triple DES (4) No Encryption : 1
    Encrypting Key: ***************
    Re-Enter Encrypting Key: ************
    Encrypting Mode? (1) ECB (2) CBC : 1
    Run scheduled backup on this computer? (Y)es or (N)o : Y
  8. If you want to make any changes to the setting above, you can use the main menu below to do so.

    Main Menu:
    (1) List Backup Setting
    (2) Change Password
    (3) Change Network Setting
    (4) Change run schedule backup setting
    (5) Quit

    Your Choice:
  9. You can then run a backup by executing the command below.

    sh $OBM_HOME/bin/RunBackupSet.sh [BACKUP_SET]

    where [BACKUP_SET] is the name of backup set to be run
  10. If you want scheduled backup to run automatically, you must start the backup scheduler by

    nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null

    All backup sets will now be run at their schedule times automatically.
  11. (optional) Start backup scheduler on machine startup
    1. Add the OBM_HOME enviroment variable to root profile by adding the following line to /root/.bash_profile

      OBM_HOME=/usr/local/obm; export OBM_HOME
    2. Add backup scheduler to your startup script by adding the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

      su -c 'nohup sh $OBM_HOME/bin/Scheduler.sh > /dev/null'
    3. Setup completed.